Post-construction cleaning service with glass cleaning

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

Another post-construction cleaning service with glass cleaning performed with excellence by Brasilfloor.

Brasilfloor, which has been in the specialized cleaning market since 2013, has post-construction cleaning as one of its flagships! With experienced and careful professionals, post-construction cleaning is carried out in the best possible way! From heavier cleaning of environments, such as paint and grout residues (which we work with industrial machinery, for better results), to final details, such as dust (which in construction works is installed in all places and which can cause respiratory and immune problems) and the spider webs you always end up having!

The photos below are from a post-construction cleaning job with glass cleaning. All done with maximum attention and excellence.

Brasilfloor pays attention to all of Brazil and abroad!

We have one of the best on the market, with the quality you deserve!

quote without obligation +55 31 99108-4593