Facade maintenance

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

With the great globalization that has been happening, the number of buildings in cities has been growing, and with it the need for specialized services in the field. Companies that have a service specialized in height, as the buildings are increasingly long and wide, not just anyone is able to do this type of service!

Brasilfloor, which already has experience in the area, operating in the market since 2014, offers maintenance services -such as the maintenance and replacement of tiles that is being done by us at Minas Tenis Clube- and also cleaning the facades of buildings or where necessary . All done by qualified professionals and all the necessary supervision, to ensure excellence and above all safety for professionals!

We use for work like this, at height, the industrial alpinism technique, also known as rappelling. That through a mechanism with access by rope that makes it possible to carry out the service with practicality and agility. The technique of industrial climbing allows more mobility for professionals, in addition to having a considerably lower cost compared to scaffolding, lifting platforms that are also commonly used in the industry. All Brasilfloor professionals who work at heights are trained and qualified for the job. We have national and international IRATA (certification for services at height).

All the services we offer have distinguished technical perfection and operational excellence, to provide a service with the quality you deserve!

The photos are of Brasilfloor’s professional climbers performing maintenance on the Minas Tenis Clube façade.

We serve all over Brazil and abroad!

Make your free quote +55 31 99108-4593