Post-construction cleaning

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

Another post-construction cleaning job carried out by Brasilfloor.

The post-construction cleaning that Brasilfloor offers is not a common cleaning job! It’s a heavy, thorough cleaning. After a job there is always that dirt, with paint splashes, grout, dust everywhere and much more, things that cannot be cleaned in a simple cleaning, with common techniques.

To achieve the best cleaning results, Basilfloor works with qualified and experienced professionals in the area, who know the techniques that this type of cleaning requires. We work with specific products and customized techniques for each situation, in line with the use of industrial machinery so that we can offer an exceptional quality service!

The photos below are from a post-construction cleaning service carried out by Brasilfoor last Tuesday. A thorough cleaning, including four bathrooms, floor cleaning with industrial machinery and specialized glass cleaning. Everything is done with maximum quality and technical perfection, from heavy cleaning to the final details!

All this at one of the best prices on the market! So that you just worry about snuggling into an entirely clean environment.

We serve all over Brazil and abroad.

Make your free quote +55 31 9108-4593