Post-construction cleaning a service to end a renovation/work with a golden key!
A service provided with all the necessary quality of execution. A thorough cleaning and at the same time careful, working on the final details to deliver a satisfactory result.
Brasilfloor is a company specialized in cleaning (of all types), which has been in the business since 2014 and offers a post-construction cleaning service. With qualified and experienced professionals, who know the correct products and techniques to be used on each surface, to deliver a result that is no less than excellent!
The photos below are from a post-construction cleaning service carried out this week by Brasilfloor technicians. As we see in the photos, the professionals did the complete job, cleaning the windows, bathrooms, and the floor. Leaving the environment completely sanitized, completely clean!
A job done with excellence and fair price!
We serve all over Brazil and abroad
Make your free quote +55 31 991084593