Facade cleaning

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

Facade cleaning is not a simple job, as it is done in a hostile environment, at heights, it is necessary that the professional who does the work has the necessary qualifications, so that the work is done well and most importantly done safely. !

Brasilfloor offers services at height! With one of the best prices on the market, qualified professionals and national and international IRATA. We offer a quality service done safely!

For our work at heights we use industrial mountaineering techniques. Also known as rappelling or rope access. It is a technique for carrying out work at height, which allows workers to reach places that are difficult to access. A technique that requires knowledge, physical effort and precision, and cannot be performed by professionals who do not have the proper training.

The climbing technician’s workplace is equipped with a rope intended for professional use, and with the proper techniques the work is done. The industrial mountaineering technique ends up being much in demand for its efficiency and quick installation, unlike lifting devices, scaffolding or platforms, which in addition to having a higher cost, end up not allowing access in some places (either for structural reasons, technical difficulties or its inaccessibility).

We work with technical excellence, operational excellence and all the necessary security!

We serve all over Brazil and abroad.

Don’t leave it for later, make your budget now, without commitment | 31 9 71602719