Floor treatment

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

Floor treatment service performed by the Brasilfloor team.

Brasilfloor, a company that has been in the market since 2014, offers the floor treatment service. Where, first, a technical cleaning of the area is carried out, with industrial machinery and specific products, to achieve the best cleaning results, and then immediately after treating the floor.

In the proper process of floor treatment, the short-term and logo advantages are many, such as increased strength and durability, also reducing wear caused by friction between the materials and the floor, in addition to reducing maintenance time. A service that is done well only brings advantages.

The photos show the Brasilfloor team performing the floor treatment on a ladder.

We work on an industrial, corporate and residential level.

Operational excellence and technical excellence!

We serve all over Brazil and abroad

Make your quote +55 31 9108-4593