Stone wall washing and whitening

Service performed by BFS Cleaning Services. We are specialists in cleaning services.

Stone wall washing and whitening carried out in the Nova Lima neighborhood.
The walls / stone floor , something very beautiful , maybe your dream purchase , could become
a nightmare; because they can accumulate a lot of dirt, and consequently go dark;
Leaving an aspect of neglect, in addition to disturbing all the real beauty of the stones.
We from Brasilfloor, a specialized cleaning company that has been in the market since 2013,
we can help you.
Different types of stones/rocks need different cleaning processes,
Be careful not to use the wrong products , which can cause the
discoloration or even the change of color of the stones. That’s why trained professionals
it is essential for the cleaning to be done correctly, with good results,
but without damaging the stones of the place.
We clean and whiten stones with strong water jets
and specific products for the best possible result, with all the necessary care!
Make your free quote +55 31 99108-4593
We serve all over Brazil and abroad!